Vail seeks to fill board vacancies
VAIL — The Town of Vail is seeking community members to fill vacancies on four citizen boards. Openings exist on the planning and environmental commission (PEC), design review board (DRB), Art in Public Places Board (AIPP) and the building and fire codes appeals oard (B&FCA). Applications for all vacancies are due to the town by 5 p.m. Monday, March 10. The Vail Town Council will conduct interviews during its work session on March 18, with appointments to follow at its evening meeting. The terms become effective April 1 and expire March 31, 2016 for the DRB, PEC and AIPP boards and March 31, 2019 for the B&FCA board. Send letters of interest and experience to: Vail Town Council, Attn. Tammy Nagel, Acting Town Clerk, 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, CO 81657 by mail or in person, or e-mail to or fax to 970-479-2320. A description of each of the boards is as follows:
Planning and environmental commission (PEC)
Four vacancies exist on the PEC for terms of two years each. Applicants must be residents and registered voters in the Town of Vail. The PEC meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 1 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. This seven-member volunteer board is responsible for the review and determination of requests for variances and conditional use permits, and recommendations to the Town Council on special development districts, subdivisions, rezonings, various Town of Vail proposed plans and other community matters.
Design review board (DRB)
There are three vacancies on the DRB for terms of two years each. Applicants must be residents in the Town of Vail. The five-member DRB meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 1 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. This volunteer board is responsible for reviewing the design of new structures, remodels, sign requests, landscaping plans and other architectural and aesthetic matters.

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Art in Public Places (AIPP) Board
There are six vacancies on the AIPP Board for terms of two years each. To qualify, applicants must either be a resident of the Town of Vail or own property within the town for a minimum of one year prior to the appointment. The AIPP board meets on the first Monday of each month from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. In addition, board members are expected to attend and participate in AIPP sponsored events and programs throughout the year. The AIPP board is made up of members who have demonstrated expertise in the arts, architecture, town planning/community development, or who have demonstrated a strong interest in the visual arts and/or civic improvement. The volunteer board oversees the Town of Vail’s Art in Public Places Program and is responsible for implementation of the AIPP policies and selection procedures, acquiring public art by purchase, donations, overseeing the maintenance and preservation of art works displayed in public areas, assisting the AIPP coordinator with fundraising, promoting public art through a public education program, publicizing AIPP projects, evaluating the AIPP program annually, selecting artwork and events for temporary display, encouraging the inclusion of public art projects in private sector development and setting program goals. Interested persons are strongly encouraged to attend an AIPP board meeting prior to Town Council interviews.
Building and fire codes appeals (B&FCA)
There are three vacancies on the B&FCA Board with the terms of appointment running to March 31, 2019. Applicants must be either a licensed architect, a registered engineer with building-related engineering experience, a construction company executive or superintendent with at least 10 years of construction experience or an individual with similar building design and construction knowledge and experience. Duties of the five-member board, plus two alternates, include reviewing disputes over the equivalency of alternate building materials and methods of construction, as well as interpretations of the town building and fire codes, among other issues. The board also reviews proposed building and fire codes amendments and code updates, and serves as a technical advisor to the Town Council regarding the adoption of proposed amendments and updates. The board meets as needed.
Contact Acting Town Clerk Tammy Nagel at 970-479-2460 for more information on submittal requirements. For additional information on the PEC or DRB, contact Warren Campbell, chief of planning, at 970-479-2148, for information on the B&FC, contact Martin Haeberle, chief building inspector at 970-479-2142; or for information on AIPP, contact Molly Eppard, AIPP coordinator, at 970-479-2344.