Can Diane Mitsch Bush catch a women’s wave with Emily’s List nod?

David O. Williams
Special to the Daily
Diane Mitsch Bush
Daily file photo

EMILY’s List, which bills itself as “the nation’s largest resource for women in politics,” is betting on former Eagle County state Rep. Diane Mitsch Bush to do something that’s never been done in the 103-year history of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District: be the first woman to win the seat.

In fact, since Socialist Edith Halcomb garnered a scant 2 percent of the vote in the 1918 election, only a handful of women have even sought election in the sprawling, mostly rural, suburban and Republican district that stretches from Pueblo in the south to Grand Junction on the Utah state line, including roughly the western two-thirds of Eagle County.

Women have not fared well in District 3 since it was first formed in 1915. Democrat Linda Powers lost to Republican Scott McInnis by a 70 percent to 30 percent margin in 1994, Independent Tisha Casida twice picked up small percentages of votes in 2012 and 2014, and Democrat Gail Schwartz lost decisively to incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton, 54 percent to 40 percent, in 2016.

Air of legitimacy

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But Mitsch Bush, who quit the State House to take on Tipton, thinks 2018 will be different. She says the EMILY’s List endorsement — from a grassroots group promoting pro-choice Democratic women in record numbers this cycle — gives her campaign an air of legitimacy.

“The EMILY’s List endorsement comes after a long and very rigorous endorsement process,” Mitsch Bush said. “With their limited resources, EMILY’s list will only endorse candidates that have the clear capacity to win in the general election.”

Mitsch Bush cleared her first hurdle by securing the Democratic nomination in the Tuesday, June 26, primary over former Eagle County Commissioner Arn Menconi and Glenwood Springs municipal and water attorney Karl Hanlon, of Carbondale.

“Diane is running to flip a seat in a critical swing state that has voted for Democrats in recent presidential elections and has the potential to become even more blue,” EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock said, taking aim at Tipton, “who has voted for President Trump’s disastrous agenda nearly 100 percent of the time, including to take away affordable health care.”

A recent Democratic-aligned poll found Tipton, now in his fourth term, might be vulnerable this November for his repeated votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“Nancy Pelosi spent almost $3 million trying to beat Congressman Tipton last cycle. He won by 15 points,” Tipton campaign consultant Michael Fortney, of Clear Creek Strategies, said at the time, referring to PAC money from House Minority Leader Pelosi in support of Schwartz in 2016.

Fortney, who is also a campaign consultant for Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton, declined to comment on the Mitsch Bush EMILY’s List endorsement.

On the Dem side, two women — Cary Kennedy and Colorado Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne — both sought to be the state’s first female governor in 142 years of statehood. But U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who represents the eastern third of Eagle County, all of Summit County and a big chunk of the state’s Front Range, ultimately secured the nomination.

Despite women making up the majority of Colorado voters, just one of Colorado’s current nine-member congressional delegation is a woman — Denver Democrat Diana DeGette.

“We’ve done well there (in the state legislature), but we haven’t broken through to those next levels, and I think there’s a moment here that we’re going to be able to do that,” Schriock said.

Joni Inman, of the conservative Colorado Womens Alliance, which focuses on issues rather than candidate recruitment, said she doesn’t think MeToo movement is necessarily driving increased political interest among Colorado women.

“The top issues in Colorado that women are really deeply interested in are the cost of health care, public education, the cost of housing, immigration issues, growth, transportation,” Inman said. “Sexual harassment showed up, but a very low percentage would name that as a top concern in Colorado.”

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