Letter: Let’s preserve the legacy of Camp Hale for future generations

The 10th Mountain Chapter of Daughters of American Revolution is thrilled to support a presidential designation of the Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument. We have long supported the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act and the inclusion of the Camp Hale area in it.

Moving forward to make Camp Hale and the surrounding lands where the 10th Mountain Division trained, including the Tenmile Range, a National Monument pays appropriate honor to the sacrifices made by the unique and courageous ski troopers of World War II. Their achievements in building today’s thriving outdoor recreation industry after the war is further inspiration to our work supporting troops at home and abroad.

DAR is a nonprofit, non-political volunteer service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children. The organization was founded with the mission of promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism. This is why the protection of Camp Hale and the legacy of the 10th is so important to us.

Equally important is preserving the integrity and wildness of all the lands included in the CORE Act. Our precious and beautiful landscapes are what inspire our troops to fight when deployed far from home. Our wildlands contribute to everyone’s health and sense of security. They are the foundation for biodiversity, and provide us with clean air and water, which is a human right.

A healthy, balanced environment is one of our most powerful tools for keeping our democracy safe and secure. We at 10th Mountain NSDAR strongly support the CORE Act for protecting these values. Please join us in encouraging President Biden to designate the Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument.

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Ricki Shaw Sherlin
Regent, 10th Mountain Chapter NSDAR

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