Letter: New parking policy at Beaver Creek

I have been going to the Vilar Performing Arts Center in Beaver Creek regularly for over 20 years. This facility is a gem and brings people from all over the valley to Beaver Creek. Part of the experience for us is to go out for dinner before the show. We have had many fabulous meals at the Golden Eagle Inn. Parking has always been validated for people attending the performance. I was informed that the policy has now changed and if you are there for more than four hours it will cost $50.

Four hours is not enough time to eat and see the show. So my options are. 1. Don’t eat at Beaver Creek, 2. Leave the show early, or 3. Pay the $50. Is the intention to harm the Vilar or the restaurants in Beaver Creek? This is a very shortsighted policy.

Jeff Stitgen

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