Letter: The American dream … for which we served

Sunday’s print edition of the Vail Daily, on page A4, tells the story of an American dream. It tells the story of two men, from different parts of the world, who both became American citizens. And they became successful American citizens via work … hard honest work, long hours of dedicated work. “They don’t talk much. What they do is work.” It’s the story of Ollie and Rafael, who are now partners in a little restaurant called Route 6 Cafe

If you remember, years ago, Route 6 was a little convenience store way down at the east end of EagleVail. Then Ollie moved it into the location that had been Paddy’s restaurant. And today it is one of the best local community restaurants, bars, pool halls, and dance halls. Music, food, dancing, drinking, pool tables, motorcycles, storytelling, Jerry Garcia, and Happy Hour … all part of the American dream.

Wait until you see what Ollie has in store for us next Friday.    

Pete Thompson

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