Letter: Why can’t we all just get along?

In the lead up to Election Day, people have derided, diminished and demeaned those who would dare to have (or consider having) a different view in the presidential election than they do. 

In reality, there is not much difference between the two major parties in our country. The fight is largely over how much other people’s money the government takes and how it spends other people’s money. 

In the end, there are intelligent, good people voting on all sides in this election (there are far more than two candidates, and we might all benefit from stronger third parties). 

But, I beg you, please stop deriding, diminishing and demeaning people who might not agree with you in their preferred choice for president, and please stop condoning the same. While the candidates call each other (and the other’s supporters) fascist, stupid and much worse, we do not need everyday Americans to stoop down to the level of these politicians and their surrogates. We can all strive to be better than that. 

Scott McBride

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