Norton: Tomorrow starts today
Procrastination is the silent thief of accomplishment. It’s that gentle nudge in our minds whispering, “You can do it tomorrow.” Before we know it, tomorrow becomes next week, next month, or even never.
But here’s the hard truth: Tomorrow always begins today. The choices we make today, what we prioritize, what we push through, and what we avoid lay the foundation for the outcomes we experience tomorrow.
It’s not just about being productive — it’s about embracing a proactive life over a reactive one. Proactivity means taking control of the present and responding swiftly and effectively to opportunities and challenges. On the other hand, a reactive mindset often leaves us scrambling, either overreacting to situations or, worse, underreacting and achieving nothing of significance.
So, why do we procrastinate? Why do we knowingly defer tasks, especially the ones we know are important?
The roots of procrastination
One reason is a lack of confidence. Sometimes, a task feels daunting or overwhelming. Maybe we don’t know where to start, or we fear failure. We worry about disappointing others or ourselves. This mental chatter, often called “head trash,” convinces us that avoiding the task is easier than confronting it. But here’s the irony: Avoidance only magnifies the challenge. The longer we wait, the bigger and scarier the task seems.

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Another reason is fear of confrontation or discomfort. Often, procrastination involves situations that require us to face difficult truths or deliver uncomfortable messages. Whether offering a harsh critique or delivering bad news, it feels easier to delay than confront. But avoidance doesn’t solve the issue; it simply prolongs the discomfort.
Finally, we procrastinate because we’re human. We’re wired to seek comfort and avoid pain. Tackling a challenging or unpleasant task doesn’t align with our instincts, so we find excuses to delay.
The cost of delay
Procrastination is an accomplishment killer. It creates a snowball effect where undone tasks pile up, adding stress and reducing our ability to focus on what matters most. Over time, it erodes our confidence, making even small tasks feel insurmountable.
The truth is procrastination doesn’t just rob us of productivity; it robs us of peace. That nagging feeling in the back of your mind, the one reminding you of what you still haven’t done, drains energy and focus.
The solution: Start today
One of the greatest life lessons I’ve learned is this: Tackle the hardest task first. If there’s a frog you have to kiss, kiss it quickly. The longer you wait, the bigger and uglier that frog becomes. By addressing the most difficult item on your to-do list first, you free yourself from its weight. Your mind becomes clearer, and the sense of accomplishment fuels momentum for the rest of the day.
Here’s the reality: The hardest tasks are rarely as bad as we imagine. The fear of starting is often worse than the task itself. When we choose to face challenges head-on, we discover that we’re more capable than we thought.
Living proactively
Living a proactive life means making deliberate choices to act rather than delay. It means embracing the discomfort of today to build the success of tomorrow.
Imagine how different your life could be if you adopted this mindset consistently. What if every time you faced a difficult decision, you acted immediately? What if you tackled tasks today instead of pushing tasks to the future? You’d experience less stress, more confidence, and greater control over your life.
Tomorrow starts today. Always remember that. The path to accomplishment isn’t paved with intentions or plans for the future; it’s built with actions taken in the present.
Whatever is on your list, whether it’s a task you’ve been avoiding, a decision you’ve delayed, or a conversation you’ve dreaded, take the first step now. Don’t let procrastination rob you of the success and peace you deserve.
As you look at your to-do list today, remember: The frog isn’t going to get any prettier. I would love to hear your story at And when we live life with the philosophy that tomorrow begins with today, it really will be a better-than-good life.
Michael Norton is an author, a personal and professional coach, consultant, trainer, encourager, and motivator of individuals and businesses, working with organizations and associations across multiple industries.