Stickers attacking Jared Polis’ sexual orientation? Our community is better than this (letter)

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been disappointed to see stickers popping up in Eagle County attacking Congressman Jared Polis because of his sexual orientation.

Those of us in the Colorado high country don’t always agree on a range of things — including who we vote for or how the issues we face should be solved — but I’ve always felt that we treat each other with respect despite these differences. Your choice for governor should be based on policy and who you feel best represents your interests and the interests of Colorado. Someone’s sexual orientation shouldn’t disqualify them from running for office and participating in our democracy and shouldn’t be used to demonize them.

These blatantly homophobic attacks on Congressman Polis do nothing except sow division and further polarize us at a time when we need to come together more than ever.

Everyone in Colorado deserves to feel safe and respected, regardless of their gender, race or sexual orientation. These stickers are sending a message that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are not welcome in our community, that we are intolerant and that we don’t respect one another.

I know that we are better than this.

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Steve Nusbaum


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