Vail Valley Charitable Fund: We’re stronger together
Special to the Daily

Special to the Daily
Last year (or what seems like ages ago at this point), I was attending a fundraising event as a board member of the Vail Valley Charitable Fund. The food was delicious, the wine tasty, and the stories of people that shared their stories of how the VVCF helped them made me laugh and cry all at the same time.
These grant recipient’s stories, as well as the stories of many other locals of whom we’ve helped, have stayed with me over the years and months since we as a board got introduced to these locals in need through either an application submission or when they have returned to us in order to help us help others.
Yet another incredible thing that struck me that night was how those attending the event had their own stories of how they were introduced to the VVCF. Some knew someone that we helped, some attended a fundraiser, some saw the Undressed Calendar (a popular annual fundraiser that not only put us on the map, but also showcased locals tastefully unclothed to raise money for our organization), some worked with other nonprofits and ended up coordinating with us, and so on.
Several of those stories were about happenstance; something unfortunate happened to a child, partner, friend or neighbor, and in some convoluted way these individuals in need were able to find us.
We all know about happenstance. How many of you showed up in this valley for a winter, stayed for a summer, and have now been here decades later? And here you are, serving your purpose in this great and unique community we call home. You yourself have become a part of the heart of the community.

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My own connection to the VVCF started in a strange way. My husband received a call from a friend asking him if I would pose in the Undressed Calendar. He of course agreed to it for me. “Thanks a lot honey!”
A couple of days later, two of my sweetest friends, Kate and Wendy, showed up volunteering their time to take pictures of me running around naked with a bow and some arrows. All the while, I was still wondering exactly what the VVCF did.
The more I learned and participated, the more inspired I got. When the VVCF asked me to be on the board, I humbly and excitedly said yes. I was busy with work and life, but knew that this would be such a wonderful and easy way to give back to this community that I cared so much about. After all, if the health and well-being of the members of the community are strong, then we all are stronger and healthier.
The Vail Valley Charitable Fund started 24 years ago because a family in the heart of our community was experiencing a medical crisis and needed help. Since then, the VVCF has continued to provide assistance to members of this community. And that’s what we are all about — community.
Our community is not just the people that we help. You, the ones that come to the fundraisers, who help put on the fundraisers, who donate, and even those who haven’t heard about us yet are also our community. We at VVCF hold you all near to our hearts.
As COVID-19 continues to affect our community more each and every day, none of us know what things will look like on the other side. What we do know is that people here care deeply for each other. We know that there is going to be great need in the months to come for individuals and families that may or may not fit the mission of the VVCF, and that all organizations will be stretched thinner and busier than ever.
And we know that, somehow, we will get through this together, as a community. The VVCF will be here to help wherever and however we can. In the meantime, think about what you can do to help your friend, your neighbor, your community while staying healthy and safe. You mean a lot to us, so please reach out to us and let’s see how — together — we can support this wonderful community. After all, it’s all about heart!
Dagmar Huber is a board member for the Vail Valley Charitable Fund. Find out more about the VVCF’s mission at