Trail of the Week: Berry Creek in Edwards

Chris Dillmann/Vail Daily archive
Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in Vail Valley Bike, Hike and Outdoor Adventures Magazine.
DISTANCE: 4 miles
ACTIVITIES: Biking and hiking
DIFFICULTY: Intermediate to advanced
TIME: 45 min to 1 hour

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TYPE: Jeep road, singletrack
SEASON: Best in early spring to late fall

PARKING: From the Interstate 70 Edwards exit, turn north and head up Beard Creek Road toward the Shaw Cancer Center. Turn right onto a dirt trailhead across from the medical facility to park.
DESCRIPTION: This south-facing ride, with its alpine desert terrain, often offers early-season riding featuring a stout climb and a flowing singletrack descent. From the parking area, you’ll start climbing the dirt road, past the singletrack to your left. Continue for another 3/4 mile, then make a sharp left onto the steep ridge road. The next mile or so is a bit of a grind, with some steep, bumpy pitches.

At the top, keep an eye out to your left for a subtle singletrack. The initial part of the descent takes riders down enjoyable, rhythmic switchbacks into an open field.
Follow the doubletrack through the field, and get ready to fly. The descent is punctuated by short, rocky sections, as well as flowing turns. A short, steep climb that breaks up the gravity fest, but only shortly. The final half mile is technical and winding, bringing you back to base of the jeep road. While not generally considered a scenic ride, Berry Creek does offer unique terrain and some nice views of the mid-valley.
This is also a popular local hiking route, with the wide, dirt climb offering ample room for foot and bike traffic alike. Those on foot may also want to stay straight on the dirt road from the parking lot, staying along the creek and heading toward the less-trafficked June Creek area.
While a great route by itself, Berry Creek is easily linked to other trails. To the east, link up with the Mesquite Trail. To connect to the trails in the West Avon Preserve, continue climbing up the initial dirt road of Berry Creek all the way to June Creek. From here, look for a turnoff to the right that connects to the eastern edge of the Avon trail.