Eagle Pool will open June 15 for 2020 summer session

COVID-19 protocols include limiting visits to 90 minutes and crowds to 32 swimmers

Super busy days like this won't happen this summer at the Eagle Pool because of COVID-19 restrictions, but the facility will open for the 2020 season on June 15. The pool will limit attendance to 54 persons at a time and will offer 90-minute sessions by reservation only.
Photo courtesy Mountain Recreation

This might be the happiest sentence that local parents read this week: The Eagle Pool will open for the 2020 summer on Monday, June 15.

“Obviously, things are going to be a little different, just like every business that has opened up after COVID-19,” said Scott Robinson, superintendent of business operations for Mountain Recreation.

So while kids will still get to frolic in the water during hot summer days, they will have to pack all their fun into 1.5-hour time frames. What’s more, pool patrons will have to reserve their time at the facility.

“We can only have 32 people in the pool and we also have to maintain a record showing who was at the pool for contract tracking purposes,” Robinson explained.

Robinson said the 32-person limit number was calculated by figuring the square footage of pool area, deck area and indoor area at the facility and then applying COVID-19 social distancing recommendations.

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Because a limited number of patrons can be admitted into the pool area at one time, Mountain Recreation has developed a reservation system for the pool at its website. Leisure swimmers can sign up for 90-minute visits and reservation times at the pool are 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Sunday. On Wednesdays, there will be an additional 6 p.m. slot available.

For pool users who prefer lap swimming, registration is also required. Sessions will be offered Monday through Thursday at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Friday through Sunday, lap swimming sessions will be available at 10 a.m., noon, 2  p.m. and 4 p.m. On Wednesdays, lap sessions are available at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

This summer admission cost is $5 per visit for kids, teens and adults alike. No multi-visit passes will be offered.

“In order for the reservation system to work with the software we have, we have to charge everyone the flat $5,” said Robinson.

“We will accept walk-ins if a session is not full,” Robinson added. However, to ensure time at the pool, a reservation will be required.

Other changes

While the time limits and registration system are the biggest changes for the pool operation this summer, they won’t be the only ones. All entry and exit to the facility will be through the outdoor pool gates and no concessions will sold this summer.

While masks will not be required in the outdoor deck area or in the water, patrons are asked to bring face coverings in case they need to access the restrooms or other indoor areas. None of the lounge chairs at the facility will be available this summer.

“Just like you would do for ShowDown Town or other outdoor town events, bring a blanket and some chairs to the pool this summer,” Robinson said.

He added that the staff at the pool is reworking the Learn to Swim program to meet with the new operating procedures. Right now, patrons can sign up for private lessions online.

“Our hope is that later in the summer we can open up some groups swim lessons as well,” he said.

Wednesday night open swim

In a new move, the pool will be open for an evening session on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Every other day of the week, there’s a whole new option.

While this year’s pool policies are largely about restricting use, Mountain Recreation is offering a new option. Individuals, groups or businesses can rent the entire facility for private parties any evening other than Wednesday.

The cost to rent the pool for the evening is $500 with a limit of 32 people allowed. Robinson noted that translates into $15 per person for a private party.

“Like a lot of businesses out there, it is more expensive for us to operate in this post-COVID world,” Robinson noted. “This is a way for us to generate a new revenue arm.”

Sprucing up

The pool reservation system is now active and Robinson noted that the Mountain Recreation staff has worked hard to make sure the pool would be drained, cleaned, power-washed, disinfected and refilled in time for the June 15 opening.

“It has been all hands on deck with our staff to get the pool ready,” he said. “The pool looks great and the new valves we installed last season are up and working.”

Now, he noted, all the downvalley area just needs is a spate of 80-degree plus days to entice families to the water.

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