“Time to get spooky” is a series in the Vail Daily exploring the spooky, strange and supernatural.
Time to get spooky: A ‘hotspot’ for paranormal experiences in Eagle County

For Red Cliff Mayor Duke Gerber, the presence of paranormal activity in the historic town is undeniable.
“I believe in ghosts, 100 percent,” Gerber said.
Gerber — who grew up in the town, only leaving for small periods of time to live in the neighboring towns of Gilman and Minturn . . .
Time to get spooky: Who is the Dotsero volcano ghost?

On a summer night in June of 2013, Brenden Lopez, a resident of Gypsum, was in the back of a car with a group of friends, driving up the Dotsero volcano for a bonfire at the top. Around five minutes into the drive, Lopez said that he heard a noise that made him look out the window.
Time to get spooky: Haunted History talks and why we see more paranormal activity in October

‘Tis the season for everything wicked, ghoulish and freaky. Going even beyond the Halloween costumes you’ll see out and about on Oct. 31, it’s the prime time to delve into ghost sightings and connect with the former Eagle County residents who once roamed the valley and still do roam, just from a different realm.
Time to get spooky: An alien experience

Short of going to Roswell’s annual UFO Festival in the summer, the only way to fully experience Roswell, New Mexico, in my humble opinion, is to go all out — far, far out. Walk the streets in your favorite alien outfit, take campy photos with the variety of wood carved, inflatable or gargantuan plastic alien statues lining the streets, read testimonials at the UFO museum, fully immerse yourself in the virtual . . .
Time to get spooky: Paranormal story group gathers haunted tales of Eagle County

We’ve all heard stories of Bigfoot and UFOs (and not the Starlink kind) in Eagle County … but what about the alleged sightings of a shackled girl ghost around the crater in Dotsero? How about the mysterious shadow of a cowboy reportedly seen in various places around Eagle? Or maybe about a possible vortex in Red Cliff, where people wandering around have . . .
Time to get spooky: Contacting departed loved ones

As a young child, Becky Hesseltine would feel “eyes in the room” or a presence she didn’t understand. Sometimes, she’d be spooked; it wasn’t until she said yes to understanding the phenomenon, and not being afraid of it, that her psychic and mediumship abilities flourished.
Celebrating Day of the Dead by connecting with the departed

While I’ve had my own encounters with deceased loved ones, I hadn’t considered consulting a medium to receive messages. But, for the upcoming Day of the Dead, I thought it might be fun to see what would “come through.”