Avon voters reject construction materials use tax

Tom Allender, of Eagle, pulls ballots from the security sleeve as he inspects them before sending them onto final inspection and counting. "Anybody who does this knows there is no such thing as voter fraud in Colorado," Allender said.
Ben Roof/For the Vail Daily

Avon voters on Tuesday rejected ballot issue 2A, which asked for approval of a tax on the use of construction materials.

Unofficial results as of 9 p.m. show 60% of voters against the ballot measure, and just under 40% in favor. A total of 892 votes had been counted.

Official results will be certified in the coming weeks, by Nov. 29 at the latest.  

The town of Avon does not currently have a tax for the use of construction materials and is the only jurisdiction in Eagle County without a construction materials use tax. If the 9 p.m. results hold, there will continue to be no construction materials use tax in Avon. 

The proposed ballot measure would tax the use of construction materials at a rate of 4%, which would match the construction materials use taxes in Vail, Minturn and Eagle within Eagle County. If passed, the use tax would only apply to projects in Avon receiving over $50,000 of work within a calendar year.

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A construction materials use tax is typically easier to collect more consistently, when compared to a sales tax, and was expected to generate more revenue for Avon than the existing construction materials sales tax.

This is the second time Avon voters have seen a ballot question about taxing the use of construction materials. The last time Avon voters saw a construction materials use tax on the ballot was in 2002 when it failed by a vote of 573 against the use tax and 379 in favor. Voter polling completed in the summer of 2022 indicated that the majority of current Avon voters were in favor of a construction materials use tax.

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