Town of Vail to host Wednesday open house on proposed public space near Vail Health

Town of Vail/Courtesy image
The town of Vail will host an open house from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at the Vail Public Library Community Room to share ideas and gather feedback on a proposed new public gathering space near Vail Health, Dobson Ice Arena and the library.
Referred to as Lot 10, the property is located at 281 West Meadow Drive and is currently used as a parking lot.
The project is arising from the anticipated redevelopment of the Evergreen Lodge property, providing a unique opportunity to create a public space on both public and private land. An initial draft plan has been created to show one possible design concept, which includes two levels. The lower level is located on the town-owned Lot 10, with the upper level located on Evergreen property. The two levels would have a public connection between Meadow Drive and the South Frontage Road. The upper level provides a landscaped area on top with parking for the hospital below.
The creation of the new public space, as well as the connection between Meadow Drive and the South Frontage Road, is identified as a desired outcome in the Town of Vail Civic Area Plan. The proposed public-private partnership meets the town’s goal of creating a welcoming east entrance to the civic area.
Representatives from the town and the Evergreen will be on hand to listen to community ideas and collect feedback. Light snacks will be provided.

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Those who are interested but unable to attend the open house are encouraged to review the project plans, provide input and subscribe to receive project updates at
For more information, contact Gregg Barrie, the town of Vail’s landscape architect, at